Commercial Coffee Roaster | 10 kg Batch Capacity

Commercial Coffee Roaster Review | 10 kg Batch Capacity

Kafgar Commercial Coffee Roaster

Kafgar commercial coffee roaster 10 kg batch capacity manufactured by Kafgar Roasters as gas and electrical type. Kafgar commercial coffee roaster is made of ST52 stainless steel sheet metal which is the best heat-resistant material and best choice to satisfy the demands of coffee shops and professionals. Kafgar coffee roaster has 10 kg green coffee beans capacity for per batch. The roaster has high qualified heat insulation to obtain best roasting experience for users.

Exterior paint is static to avoid blistersor scratch. To prevent any hazard; novasit gas braker valve throttles gas. Gas breaker provides both safety and saving. When the roasting profile reaches adjusted heat; it breakes gas to avoid wastage. Moreover, integrated pressure regulator optimizes gas pressure and ensure optimal flow throughout roasting process.

Commercial coffee roaster made by Kafgar Roasters has powerful electric motors. Thanks to electric transformers; no matter which power inlet value(110V-220V-380V / 50-60 Hz) is. Moreover, the systems ensures high durability, longevity and silent operation. Commercial coffee roasters are offered by optional PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) to our customers. User can remote the coffee roaster throughout bluetooth or Wi-Fi connection. By user tablet, pc or smart mobile, user can control remotely the roasting machine and dataexamination from all over the world.

In addition, Kafgar commercial coffee roaster 10 kg batch capacity has data logger feature. System records past roasting datas with temperature and time chart. Coffee roaster machines can record and recall your customers preferences. The system can record upto 1000 customer-roasting-data to offer more convenient roasting experiment. Contact us for more information!

STANDART FEATURES  OF COMMERCIAL COFFEE ROASTER                                                                                                                                                                    

Kafgar Commercial Coffee Roaster 10 Kg Batch Capacity

  • In case of any varience of gas pressure; automatically shutting off the gas.
  • In case of any emergency; shutting of the all system by one buton
  • Digital temperature control and heat indicator.
  • Due to peep hole; roasted coffee beans can be controlled by inspection.
  • Roasted coffee beans can be checked thanks to sample taker spoon.
  • Cooler chamber: cooling by powerful fan and rotating system in chamber.
  • Audio alarm system is automatically activated when temperature reachs to adjusted level.
  • Gas breaker system leads to safety and cost saving
  • Advance heat insulation helps with energy conservation
  • Easy to operate and quite running engines.


  • For copper roasters,embossed logo on drum
  • Afterburner
  • PLC touch screen & automatic roasting experimen


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